Solution-Focused Single Problem Assessment and Intervention – Dr Jim Byrne

Solution-Focused Single Problem Assessment and Intervention – Dr Jim Byrne


Dr Jim’s Basic Mini-service: Brief assessment of a single problem, followed by a solution-focused report

Updated on 11th June 2024


Hello and welcome,

Counselling in Hebden Bridge, Doctor of Counselling 2If you have decided that my Enhanced Main Service*** is not the option for you, then I can see you for a fee of £250.00 for my Basic Mini Service, which consists of the following elements:

– Two (or three) questionnaires, (which will address your single problem area – such as anger, anxiety, depression, couple conflict – which I will send to you, to collect relevant information about the specifics of your single problem.

– One counselling meeting, (face to face in Hebden Bridge, or over Skype or the telephone system), during which I will conduct some informal assessment, following up on the formal assessment via questionnaires.

– Plus some therapeutic interventions.

– And, after our meeting, I will send you a brief report, which will follow this structure:

(a) Introduction

(b) What happened at our meeting?

(b) What did I learn from our meeting and your questionnaire answers?

(c) My observations and reflections; and forming conclusions about the nature of your problem, and potential solutions.

(e) A specification of the nature of the two (or three) follow-up documents that I will attach or send, which will contain the kinds of knowledge and skills that you need to master in order to overcome the specific, single problem that we discussed. (The list of single problems with which I specialize can be found below).

To sign up for this service, please email Jim at Dr Jim’s Email Address.***

ABC Counselliong and Psychotherapy, Hebden Bridge and Worldwide(Of course, if you want to understand your personality strengths and weaknesses; your unhelpful lifestyle practices; and the ways in which your early childhood has impacted your current life; then you need to sign up for the Enhanced Main Service.*** I do ten times more work on your behalf when you sign up for the Enhanced Main Service. [That is why this Mini Service costs just £250, while my Enhanced Main Service currently costs £2,500 GBP]).


My areas of specialism (2024)

# 1: Addiction Counselling:

Human beings are creatures of habit. Some of our habits are good for us and for  others; and some of our habits are bad for us and those people who are closest to us.

The human brain can be hijacked by substances and processes that trigger our reward system (including the dopamine system), and when that happens, we find we are seriously addicted to some substance – (like alcohol, nicotine, sugary foods, cocaine,) or some activity, (like gambling, risky and/or inappropriate sexual behaviour, Internet porn, procrastination, Internet gaming, and so on).

If you want to escape from any such addictive substance or process, I can help you to find a path out. Sign up for my Level 3 support service (described near the top of this page).

Blue logo Dr Jim ByrneContact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 2: Anger Management Counselling:

angry man is screamingAnger is an innate emotion, and it’s an important part of our emotional intelligence. If you were incapable of feeling anger, you would be vulnerable to all kinds of exploitation and oppression. But some people manage their anger well, and others have difficulty moderating their anger and rage. When you cannot easily moderate your anger and rage, you will tend to damage your relationships, at home in work, with consequent negative effects upon the quality of your own life. (Your anger may also damage your own guts and heart!)

Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 3: Anxiety and Panic Counselling:

I can help you to understand the origin of your anxiety, and how to control it in highly practical ways. Sign up for my Level 3 support service (described near the top of this page).

Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 4: Couples Therapy and Marriage Counselling:

We learn about love and relationship in our family of origin. So if our parents have a bad marriage, we tend to model ourselves upon one of them, and choose a partner (non-consciously!) who can play the role of our other parent. Thus very many marriages are not so much “relationships” as “dysfunctional involvements”. But it may be possible to transform your “involvement” into a “loving relationship” with my help.

– Service Level 3 (described above). For more information about this level of Couples Therapy service, pleaase go to this web page: Couples Therapy – Basic Service Level.***


– Service Level 4 (which is also described above). For more information about Level 4, including the much higher fees, please click on this link: Couples Therapy – Enhanced, Optimal Service Level.***

Or: Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 5: Cutting the unhelpful childhood ties…

…(which bind you to unhealthy aspects of your childhood parents):

Your “individual” brain and mind and central nervous systems are all integrated, and wired up in childhood through the ways  your parents interacted with you; and the way you adapted to them. You probably took over from them some bad habits, attitudes, expectations and beliefs; and some good habits, attitudes, expectations and beliefs.

Traditional cultures had ways to managing your transition out of your family of origin, and into the wider community, in which you became an independent of your parents’ influences. In today’s Western world, those “rites of passage” have fallen away, leaving many individuals locked into a childlike relationship with their “internalized parent figures”.

Blue logo Dr Jim ByrneI can help you to go through a rite of passage, called “Cutting the Ties the Bind”. Please see the page of information about Cutting the Childhood Ties.***

Or: Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 6: Depression Counselling:

I can help you to deal with the many factors that could be triggering you into depression. Sign up for my Level 3 support service (described near the top of this page).

Counselling in Hebden Bridge, Doctor of Counselling 2Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)




# 7: Emotional Self-Management: Including offloading and processing emotions…

You do not have to know how a light-switch works in order to use electrical lighting; but you do need to understand your emotions in order to manage them well!

You should not delegate management of your emotions to a profit-making company that promises you solutions in a little tablet!

That is not a real, viable, long-term solution! I can teach you several strategies for offloading emotions; processing emotions; managing your core emotional state through your lifestyle choices and your philosophy of life; etc.

Sign up for my Level 3 support service (described near the top of this page).

Blue logo Dr Jim ByrneContact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 8: Grief Work and Stuck Depression:

If you have recently lost somebody close to you, you will inevitably feel a sense of grief, or deep sadness – especially after the initial numbness wears off. I am not the best person to consult for support through that phase – though I can certain do that for you if you so choose. My expertise is more in the field of what happens when eighteen months have gone by since you lost your relative/friend/spouse/job/career, or whatever, and you are still stuck in what seems like grief, but which is really now Stuck Depression. I can help with that kind of Stuck Depression which is an extension of Grief!

Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)



# 9: Health Counselling (for good mental and physical health):

Health counselling is based on advising you to make important changes to those key aspects of your lifestyle which are most likely undermining your mental and physical health.

Blue logo Dr Jim ByrneSign up for my Level 3 support service (described near the top of this page).

Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 10: “Inner Couple” work (using Gestalt Chairwork):

To explore whether this process would work for you, please sign up for my Level 2 Service (for £90.00) to see if you could benefit from Gestalt Chairwork. If you are a suitable candidate, I will then deduct that £90.00 from the Level 3 fee (of £250) for two or three session of Chairwork to reform your Inner Couple model. (But if it proves to be the case that you cannot benefit from Chairwork – some people can do it; some can’t – I will not be able to refund your fee of £90.00.

Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 11: Increasing Intimacy in Couple Relationships:

Intimacy is a state of non-separation. Intimacy is that sense or feeling that we get when we feel connected to our “other half”. Intimacy is the gold dust of happy couple relationships. But when it is missing, it feels like the custard is missing from our apple pie, or the cream from our trifle. Hence the importance of knowing how to rebuild intimacy with your partner.

I can help you to learn what to do to increase intimacy, and what not to do, in order to avoid destroying intimacy.

Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 12: Psychological First Aid:

Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 13: Stress Management Counselling:

Stress is not all in the mind. It is also in your body. It is in your personal history. To process stress, we need to be clear that a person who experienced Childhood Developmental Trauma is going to be less resilient in the face of stress, and a person who is Perfectionistic is going to subject themselves to unnecessary and unkind stress. The archetypal form of stress is poor time management. If you are ten miles from your office when you are due to be in a meeting at your office, that is a horrible form of stress. Another significant form of stress is Goal-sickness, or insisting that, because I set Goal X, and failed to achieve it, I cannot allow my fight or flight system of switch off. I cannot accept the disappointment!

Blue logo Dr Jim ByrneI can teach you a philosophy of life which will make stress a thing of the past for you!

Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 14: Trauma Therapy…

…(for PTSD and Complex-PTSD [also known as Childhood Developmental Trauma]):

Trauma therapy is one of the most complex forms of psychotherapy.

It has to be a whole body-brain-mind approach,

because “the body keeps the score”;

and the mind is an expression of the personal history of the body!

Blue logo Dr Jim ByrneI have evolved a three-stage process for trauma recovery, including recovery from Childhood Developmental Trauma (or Complex PTSD).

This system of trauma recovery work is only available as a Level 4 service, currently taking 18-34 weeks to complete, and costing you just £2,500.00 for a single package. Please see My Enhanced Main Service web page.***


For more information about me and my services, please check out the following links to pages on this site:

– About Dr Jim Byrne

– About my Enhanced Main Counselling Psychology Service

– About my Basic Mini Service

– About my Single Session Talk Therapy service. (No formal assessment; one counselling meeting).

I offer two levels of help for individuals with couple-relationship problems:

Anger management services

Counselling the whole person: heart, head, body and mind. (An introduction to Emotive-Cognitive Embodied Narrative Therapy [E-CENT], created by Dr Jim Byrne and Renata Taylor-Byrne).

– Counselling in Hebden Bridge, face to face

– Counselling via Skype and web camera

– Counselling via the telephone system

See also these pages:

Or take a look at our current books in print, at the ABC Bookstore.


To find out more, please go to:

…End of List.


Copyright (c) Jim Byrne, 2024
