Anger management counselling and psychotherapy in Hebden Bridge


“Inappropriate anger is an unhelpful response to frustrations, affronts to your dignity, and breaches of social rules by others.  People who respond with inappropriate and excessive anger typically get less of what they want in life, and they damage their physical and mental health in the process.  (Of course, people who cannot access any of their appropriate and assertive anger turn into doormats for aggressive others!) Learn how to manage your anger, and how to get more of what you want from life, using more skillful strategies for success.”

Dr Jim Byrne


Anger management counselling, coaching, and psychotherapy in Hebden Bridge, and all over the world via Skype/Zoom, Telephone and/or email exchanges

By Dr Jim Byrne


Dr Jim Counselling Sherpa July 2023 Hebden BridgeHello, My name is Jim Byrne, and I am a doctor of counselling, in my twenty-fifth year of private practice in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, UK – (and all over the world via Skype and telephone) – with lots of experience of helping clients with their problems of anger management. (I have published one book on anger management, and co-authored one which includes information about how to control your anger).

This work will involve helping you to change some of your attitudes towards frustration, insult and lack of cooperation.

It will also involve reviewing various aspects of your lifestyle, because the state of your body affects your mental states: and therefore, what you eat, and how much exercise and sleep you get, have to be managed.

The best option (if you do not live near Hebden Bridge) is to consult me via Skype/webcam.

But if you live locally, we can meet face to face in Hebden Bridge.

Or you could also consult me via the telephone.  Email counselling would be the final option.

Please decide which option would work best for you.  You can find links to those services by clicking one of the following links:

Face-to-face counselling in Hebden Bridge.***



Dr Jim’s Telephone, Skype and Email Counselling options.***


Email: Dr Jim Byrne***

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (inside the UK)

Or 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


Face-to-face counselling in Hebden Bridge.***



Dr Jim’s Telephone, Skype and Email Counselling options.***


Or get my new book on anger management:

Anger, resentment and forgiveness:

How to get your inappropriate anger under reasonable control

Front cover, anger2By Dr Jim Byrne

This book is based on twenty years experience by the author in providing anger management counselling and coaching to hundreds of individuals.

It includes a unique chapter on the processes required to achieve forgiveness, and a rationale for doing so.

It also shows you how to change your thoughts/ feelings/ perceptions, in order to get your anger under reasonable control. And it addresses lifestyle factors which promote or reduce anger.

If you study this book, you will learn how to control your anger, and to use it appropriately.

Learn more

Paperback and eBook versions available at the moment



Email: Dr Jim Byrne***

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (inside the UK)

Or 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


Face-to-face counselling in Hebden Bridge.***



Dr Jim’s Telephone, Skype and Email Counselling options.***


If you study my book, you will learn how to control your anger, and to use it appropriately.

Learn more

Paperback and Kindle eBook available at the moment


Additional Information 

What is anger, and why is it a problem?

Anger is one of the innate responses of a living being to frustration or insult, or a threat or a startling experience.  It is the aggressive side of the fight or flight response.

When an animal (including a human animal) is threatened, it tends to respond by fighting, fleeing or freezing.

Anger is the fuel of the fight response; while anxiety is the fuel of the flight response.

In its positive form, anger manifests as controlled self-protectiveness – appropriate to the circumstances – resulting in an assertive or self-defensive response.

Inappropriate anger is the negative form, which manifests in uncontrolled aggression – exceeding the needs of the moment – resulting in an overly-aggressive or other-threatening response.

Inappropriate anger tends to make enemies, unnecessarily, and to fan the flames of small conflicts. Inappropriate anger makes matters worse, and not better!

Anger management strategies allow you to control your anger, so it is appropriate to the circumstances you face, and that it is self-assertive but not threatening to others.

Appropriate, controlled anger is good for us, as it helps us to protect ourselves in the world.  Inappropriate, uncontrolled anger is bad for us, because it gets us into trouble; results in fights, damaged and broken relationships, loss of jobs, demotions, arrests, road accidents, heart disease, damage to arteries, stomach ulcers, and many other negative outcomes.

It makes sense to learn how to control your anger, so you do not over-react to threats, value-conflicts, or insults in your life.  Good anger management skills result in better human relations, at home and in work, and also maintain better physical and mental health.

Anger management skills can be taught (by me) and learned (by you).


Many people come to see me with problems of anger, at home and/or at work.  They find that they have a short fuse when they are frustrated by others; or when others cause them to look foolish; or when people behave badly when they should know better.

I have helped hundreds of people to reduce their angry responses to a more reasonable level, by working with them on how to think and feel cooler and calmer when facing difficulties, like insults, threats, or frustrations. And I teach them how to manage their lifestyle better, for a calmer central nervous system.

Others come from families in which anger was modelled for them as a legitimate way to solve conflicts of opinion.  However, they later find that this does not work in the wider world.

You can lose your partner or lover through indulging in inappropriate outbursts of anger.  You can lose your job, or your promotion prospects in work.  You can lose your sense of self-respect.  You can lose your freedom, if you seriously assault another person and fall into the hands of the police and the prison authorities.

And you can even lose your life, if you go angrily chasing other drivers on the motorway and cause a traffic pile-up; or you pick a fight with the wrong person, who retaliates violently.


Jim and the Buddha, 2I can teach you how to avoid the aggressive and passive-aggressive forms of anger, and to only use the assertive form.  This work will involve shrinking certain of your ‘ego states’, or ‘mind states’, and growing the most helpful ego-state, which is called your Adult.  It might also involve changing some aspects of your diet, exercise or sleep habits.


Face-to-face counselling in Hebden Bridge.***



Dr Jim’s Telephone, Skype and Email Counselling options.***


Or learn more from this book:

How to Control Your Anger, Anxiety and Depression:

Using nutrition and physical activity.

Diet,exercise book cover

By Renata Taylor-Byrne, and Jim Byrne

This book argues that talk therapy is insufficient on its own. Changing your philosophy of life will not control your emotions, unless you also attend to your diet and exercise needs.

It is now increasingly being argued, by cutting edge scientists, that the root cause of physical and mental health problems is inflammation in the body, especially in the guts.  The concept of leaky gut giving rise to leaky brain is increasingly being verified; and very often the causes of anxiety, depression and anger are to be found in the client’s diet; or their lack of physical exercise.  Of course, sometimes the main cause of human disturbance is that stress levels are too high; or coping resources are too low; or the individual has an unrealistic or unhelpful philosophy of life.  Or the individual did not get a good experience of how to manage their emotions in their family of origin.  But it is also true that sometimes, the main problem is lack of physical exercise, or sugary diet, or caffeine, or inflammation in the guts and brain.


By Renata Taylor-Byrne and Jim Byrne

Paperback and eBook versions.

Learn more.***



Email: Dr Jim Byrne***

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (inside the UK)

Or 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


Face-to-face counselling in Hebden Bridge.***



Dr Jim’s Telephone, Skype and Email Counselling options.***



For further information about me and my services, please check out the following links:

About Dr Jim Byrne (his education, training, and accreditation)

Accreditation and Ethics (describes my ethical codes of practice and complaints procedures)

Schedule of fees

About the system of counselling and therapy that I use (which is Emotive-Cognitive Embodied Narrative Therapy [E-CENT])

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Books by Dr Jim Byrne and Renata Taylor-Byrne.


Face-to-face counselling in Hebden Bridge.***



Dr Jim’s Telephone, Skype and Email Counselling options.***



Email: Dr Jim Byrne***

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (inside the UK)

Or 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)

