How to find us

Directions to Jim and Renata’s home in Hebden Bridge –

– which we currently use as our consulting room.


Updated on 27th April 2024

Here is the simplest guideline for finding our home/office:

These directions apply whether you are booked to see Jim or Renata.

Firstly: And here is the (updated) Google map location.***

for 27 Wood End, Hebden Bridge HX7 8HJ

But be careful. Google map-makers (like some others) seem (over many years) to be incapable of mapping this area. (It is a difficult areas to map, to be fair!) For years they were wildly wrong. However, they have recently fixed it, so it is safe to use Google maps at the moment. Dated: 27th April 2024. (We will keep checking in case it reverts to being misleading again!)

27 Wood End is the first house on Wood End, as you travel up Keighley Road, from Hebden Bridge. Wood End begins, on the left-hand side of the road, just a few (50-60?) yards past the junction of Windsor Road, Keighley Road and Nutclough Road.

Picture of 27 Wood end front elevation

No.27 is next door to No.29, which is next door to No.1.  And none of these numbers is anywhere near No.25!  And here is the (updated) Google map location.***

On the current (27th April 2024) Google Map, the map marker is in the correct position, and the picture of the houses points at the RIGHT house! (Hip-hip-horray!)


Here is the second simplest guideline for finding our home/office:

Drive up Keighley Road until you come to the traffic lights just before the left-turn-off for Windsor Road/Unity Street.  Do NOT turn left! Stay on Keighley Road.

As you drive through the lights, past the turn off, look at the houses on your left and you will notice (on a signpost, on the wall, at knee level) the numbers, 33 to 49 Nutclough.  As you drive past number 49 Nutclough, look for a parking spot.  Our house is the first house on the next block on the left after 49 Nutclough.  It’s officially 27 Wood End – but some search engines and satnav systems have mapped the area incorrectly, and so it is easy to get lost. (But today, 27th April, Google Maps have got the location marker, and the picture of the house frontage, correct!)

(If you are walking, imagine you are driving in the illustration above!)


Here is the full set of directions


Here are some (incomplete!) directions for finding our home/base. The main problem with these directions is that they assume you will be approaching our home by travelling UP Keighley Road (which is the A6033), from Hebden Bridge (but you might be coming down!)

Our address is (officially) 27, Wood End, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8HJ.

Four slight problems with finding me:

  1. Some maps on Satnav have not mapped this area accurately, and so you cannot rely upon finding us using some satnav systems! You can now find us on Google and Bing maps, because they have corrected the errors in their earlier mapping of the area.  Here’s the Google map link.***
  2. Some satnav systems will direct you – as you drive up Keighley Road – to turn left into Lees Road.  Don’t follow that direction, as it will lead you to the back of our house, and there is no back door!  Stay on Keighley Road…2(b).  Some other satnav systems will take you all the way up to the Robin Hood pub in Pecket Well.  So it is probably best to compare your satnav with the Google Maps location above.

2b, Wood End is a section of Keighley Road, not a separate road.

  1. Wood End is a block of terraced houses, on the left-hand side of Keighley Road (as you come up Keighley Road from Hebden Bridge).

When you pass through the traffic lights, at the junction of Keighley Road and Windsor Road, stay on the Keighley Road. As you go through the lights, you will see a narrow road on your right, called Nutcloough Road. The house on your left will be No.33 Nutclough.  That block of houses ends at 49 Nutclough.

After number 49, the housing on the left-hand side of the road stops, there is a gap, and a long, low wall, for about 30 yards or so.  The very next house you come to, on the left, is ours. Our block (called Wood End) is numbered out of sequence, so number 27 is actually the first house on the block, followed by 29, then 1, 3, 5, etc., all the way up to 25.

Apologies for the confusion… We did not design this area. We could not seem to get Google Maps to fix the problem, for years, and years. (Or they would fix it, and then unfix it again!) But they have now, very recently – ( as at 27th April 2024), fixed it!
If you get lost, please call us on 01422 843 629.


If you are travelling by bus, the bus to catch is the B3.  It can be caught in the centre of Hebden Bridge, near the library.  Ask for the stop after the Nutclough Tavern; get off at that stop and walk back down the block about 14 or 15 houses, to 27 Wood End.  (As mentioned above, the block is numbered out of sequence, so you will begin at 25, and come all the way down to number 1, then there’s 29, and then 27).

You could also walk to our house from the centre of Hebden Bridge in about ten minutes!

~~~ (1)Sorry it’s so confusing.

Hope you find us okay.


Jim and Renata

(But, of course, you will becoming to see One of Us, and not Both of Us! :-))
