Comprehensive Counselling in Hebden Bridge: Whole-Person Therapy for Relationship, Lifestyle, and Mental Health

Comprehensive Counselling in Hebden Bridge: Whole-Person Therapy for Relationship, Lifestyle, and Mental Health


Updated on 11th June 2024


Elaboration of the counselling and assessment services introduced on my Mini Home Page:

Counselling Hebden Bridge, with Doctor of CounsellingIf you have landed on this page by chance, then you need to know that this page was my home page, until 19th May, when I realized that many people do not have enough time to read so much informtion. So I created a Mini Home Page, and put a link on there to this more elaborated page.

If you have the time and energy, and curiousity, then by all means read this more detailed introductin to me and my counselling services. Otherwise, please click to go to My New Mini Home Page.***


One of the things you will find, near the bottom of my New Mini Home Page is an introduction my my Nine Windows model, which provides nine different ways of looking at your problems or negative experiences. If you only have a hammer in your toolbox, then everything will look like a nail. And when you try to fix a broken window with a hammer, you get a worse problem! So it helps to have several ways to evaluate any problem or negative experiecne that comes into your life.

Here is an example of one of the windows from my Nine Windows Model:


A window on your problemsImagine you are looking out through a window at a repersentation of your current problem.

Window No.3: The frame around this window says:

“Life is much less difficult when I avoid picking and choosing what happens, or how it happens; or if I pick and choose more modestly, sensibly or reasonably.”

Let me suggest that you imagine that you are looking out through a window, with that slogan, above, written around the window; that you believe this slogan to be true; and then ask yourself the following questions: 

– So, if I am experiencing difficulty right now (in relation to the problem I am viewing through this window), doesn’t that mean I must be (unrealistically) picking and choosing?  (For example, if I am choosing to look like Clint Eastwood, but I actually look like Woody Allen, can I see how my ‘choice’ is both unrealistic, and the cause of much suffering for me? Or, more pertinently: if I am choosing to have 100% of my income when I actually have just 80%, isn’t that an unrealistic choice? It would be okay to have a wish or desire for 100% of my income, but I must not Expect to Have what I clearly do not have!)

– And isn’t it true that life would be much less difficult if I were to pick and choose more moderately, more modestly, more realistically. (That would mean, wanting to [or agreeing that I have to] look like Woody Allen, if I actually look like Woody Allen. Or being willing to have whatever limited bank balance I have, regardless of how much more I could benefit from having!)

– How can I change my choices and preferences, wishes and desires, in order to show that I am picking and choosing realistically and reasonably and modestly? (Make a list!)

– I must keep my expectations in line with everyday reality.


End of extract from Window No.3.


Introduction to my system of counselling, therapy, assessment, reports and follow-up documents

And I go well beyond mind-and-heart counselling – (such as affect regulation theory, and attachment therapy).

In fact, what I offer is whole-person-counselling and therapy.

I like to find out…

– about your personal history, from early in your life;

– about your personality adaptatons to your childhood parents;

– about any adverse childhood experiences you might have had, including traumatic events;

– about your current lifestyle factors (which can cause emotional and behavioural problems), which include sleep, diet and nutrition, physical exercise, and so on.

– and about the current sources of stress in your life.

I then spend time reflecting, analyzing and synthesizing all the informstion I can get from you, so as to generate a range of solutions to your biggest problems. Then I write all of that up in a report, and follow that with some psycho-educational documents.


Why do I offer whole-person counselling?

Because you are not a mind on legs!

You are not a combined brain and heart!

And your biological/psychological existence, and level of functioning, is influenced by, and strongly dependent upon both your personal history and your current and recent lifestyle factors – (like diet, hydration, exercise, sleep, relaxation, breathing, current stressors, etc.)

Your personal history of being a body, marching through physical and social space and time, (with a particular lifestyle!) has caused you to become a particular ‘shape’, and to function in a particular kind of way.

You are wired up to follow particular patterns of behaviour – emotionally and interpersonally; and in the management of your daily life – at home and in work or business settings.

If you have difficulty following this description, then I am most likely not the right counsellor/therapist for you.

If you can see what I am getting at, and you are the kind of person who learns well from a combination of meetings and follow-up reports and educational documents, then I might be the right kind of counsellor for you.

However, if you are not in a position to invest a substantial amount of time, energy and money in a process to rewire yourself for a better future, then I am most likely not the right person for you!


offers help with problems of couple conflict and marriage problems;

anger, anxiety, depression;

stress, self-acceptance and self-confidence;

childhood developmental trauma, PTSD and Complex-PTSD;

addiction; habit change; and much more besides.


Counselling is a wonderful 20th century invention…”

– Dr John McLeod, An Introduction to Counselling


“This radically new form of whole body-brain-mind-environment counselling is a wonderful 21st century invention…”

– Dr Jim Byrne, Holistic Counselling in Practice


About counselling and psychotherapy

There are more than 400 different systems of counselling and therapy in existence today, and each of them has a distinct range of beliefs and strategies.

According to the scientific research studies of the Common Factors school of thought, all of the major schools of counselling that have been researched over the years produce broadly equivalent outcomes for their clients!

And, like all systems of science and philosophy, counselling and psychotherapy are continuously evolving! Welcome to the most comprehensive system available today!


M.H., San Jose, California. (Long-term work on a range of issues to do with childhood trauma, and current career stressors).


About Me

My name is Jim Byrne. I have a doctoral degree in counselling from the University of Manchester; an MA in education; and a diploma in counselling psychology and psychotherapy.

I have more than twenty-five years of experience in private practice as a counsellor-psychotherapist.

Each year, I have added more and more value to my service, by introducing assessment instruments, in-depth reports, and follow-up documents that provide my clients with top-rank solutions to their key problems.


S.N, (for S.N. and P.N.). Rochdale, Lancs. (After two individual face to face meetings and the first chunk of each individual report were sent).


Video introduction to me…

For a brief video clip, in which I introduce myself as a person, please go to: Hello from Dr Jim…

Blue logo Dr Jim ByrneIf you need my help, please contact me today, via email: Dr Jim’s Email Address

Dr Jim Byrne, Doctor of Counselling (University of Manchester, UK)

Fellow Member of the International Society for Psychotherapy and Counselling

ABC Counselling and Psychotherapy Services


Levels of service:

Counselliong face to faceLevel 1. If you have some issues you want to talk through with me, I will see you for a fee of £180.00, and I will write a brief file note report after our meeting, summing up what I have learned about you and your problem situation, and with some indicators of how you might be able to move yourself forward, with or without further help from me.


ECENT Reports 1, GeneralLevel 2. Or, if you don’t know what you want to talk through with me; but you do know you have a problem, and you want me to help you to clarify that problem, through informal conversation, then I can reduce my fee to £90.00.

At the end of the session I will write a page or two about what I learned about you, and some statement of what I consider your problem to be; and some indicators of how to move forward.


basic mini service, counselling and psycho-educationLevel 3. If you know what your problem is, and you can find it on my list of specialisms below, then I can see you for a fee of £250.00 for my Basic Mini Service, which consists of the following elements:

– Two (or three) questionnaires, which I will send to you, to collect relevant information about the specifics of your problem.

– One counselling meeting (face to face in Hebden Bridge, or over Skype or the telephone system), during which I will conduct some informal assessment, following up on the formal assessment via questionnaires.

– After our meeting, I will send you two (or three) follow-up documents, which contain the kinds of knowledge and skills that you need to master in order to overcome the problem(s) that we discussed.

(Level 3 services include the need to read follow-up documents, so that a certain level of comfort with learning from written texts is required!)


Level 4. And then there’s my Enhanced Main Service, which costs a lot more, and involves six or eight  or more questionnaires; three or four counselling meetings; follow up reports; and six or eight follow-up psycho-educational documents to teach you the solutions you need for your current problems. (Please see the more detailed description of my Enhanced Main Service, here.***)


And here is a list of my main specialisms:


# 1: Addiction Counselling:

Human beings are creatures of habit. Some of our habits are good for us and for  others; and some of our habits are bad for us and those people who are closest to us.

The human brain can be hijacked by substances and processes that trigger our reward system (including the dopamine system), and when that happens, we find we are seriously addicted to some substance – (like alcohol, nicotine, sugary foods, cocaine,) or some activity, (like gambling, risky and/or inappropriate sexual behaviour, Internet porn, procrastination, Internet gaming, and so on).

If you want to escape from any such addictive substance or process, I can help you to find a path out. Sign up for my Level 3 support service (described near the top of this page).

Blue logo Dr Jim ByrneContact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 2: Anger Management Counselling:

angry man is screamingAnger is an innate emotion, and it’s an important part of our emotional intelligence. If you were incapable of feeling anger, you would be vulnerable to all kinds of exploitation and oppression. But some people manage their anger well, and others have difficulty moderating their anger and rage. When you cannot easily moderate your anger and rage, you will tend to damage your relationships, at home in work, with consequent negative effects upon the quality of your own life. (Your anger may also damage your own guts and heart!)

Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 3: Anxiety and Panic Counselling:

I can help you to understand the origin of your anxiety, and how to control it in highly practical ways. Sign up for my Level 3 support service (described near the top of this page).

Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 4: Couples Therapy and Marriage Counselling:

We learn about love and relationship in our family of origin. So if our parents have a bad marriage, we tend to model ourselves upon one of them, and choose a partner (non-consciously!) who can play the role of our other parent. Thus very many marriages are not so much “relationships” as “dysfunctional involvements”. But it may be possible to transform your “involvement” into a “loving relationship” with my help.

– Service Level 3 (described above). For more information about this level of Couples Therapy service, please go to this web page: Couples Therapy – Basic Service Level.***


– Service Level 4 (which is also described above). For more information about Level 4, including the much higher fees, please click on this link: Couples Therapy – Enhanced, Optimal Service Level.***

Or: Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 5: Cutting the unhelpful childhood ties (which bind you to unhealthy aspects of your childhood parents):

Your “individual” brain and mind and central nervous systems are all integrated, and wired up in childhood through the ways  your parents interacted with you; and the way you adapted to them. You probably took over from them some bad habits, attitudes, expectations and beliefs; and some good habits, attitudes, expectations and beliefs.

Traditional cultures had ways to managing your transition out of your family of origin, and into the wider community, in which you became an independent of your parents’ influences. In today’s Western world, those “rites of passage” have fallen away, leaving many individuals locked into a childlike relationship with their “internalized parent figures”.

Blue logo Dr Jim ByrneI can help you to go through a rite of passage, called “Cutting the Ties the Bind”. Please see the page of information about Cutting the Childhood Ties.***

Or: Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 6: Depression Counselling:

I can help you to deal with the many factors that could be triggering you into depression. Sign up for my Level 3 support service (described near the top of this page).

Counselling in Hebden Bridge, Doctor of Counselling 2Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)




# 7: Emotional Self-Management: Including offloading and processing emotions…

You do not have to know how a light-switch works in order to use electrical lighting; but you do need to understand your emotions in order to manage them well!

You should not delegate management of your emotions to a profit-making company that promises you solutions in a little tablet!

That is not a real, viable, long-term solution! I can teach you several strategies for offloading emotions; processing emotions; managing your core emotional state through your lifestyle choices and your philosophy of life; etc.

Sign up for my Level 3 support service (described near the top of this page).

Blue logo Dr Jim ByrneContact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 8: Grief Work and Stuck Depression:

If you have recently lost somebody close to you, you will inevitably feel a sense of grief, or deep sadness – especially after the initial numbness wears off. I am not the best person to consult for support through that phase – though I can certain do that for you if you so choose. My expertise is more in the field of what happens when eighteen months have gone by since you lost your relative/friend/spouse/job/career, or whatever, and you are still stuck in what seems like grief, but which is really now Stuck Depression. I can help with that kind of Stuck Depression which is an extension of Grief!

Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)



# 9: Health Counselling (for good mental and physical health):

Health counselling is based on advising you to make important changes to those key aspects of your lifestyle which are most likely undermining your mental and physical health.

Blue logo Dr Jim ByrneSign up for my Level 3 support service (described near the top of this page).

Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 10: “Inner Couple” work (using Gestalt Chairwork):

To explore whether this process would work for you, please sign up for my Level 2 Service (for £90.00) to see if you could benefit from Gestalt Chairwork. If you are a suitable candidate, I will then deduct that £90.00 from the Level 3 fee (of £250) for two or three session of Chairwork to reform your Inner Couple model. (But if it proves to be the case that you cannot benefit from Chairwork – some people can do it; some can’t – I will not be able to refund your fee of £90.00.

Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 11: Increasing Intimacy in Couple Relationships:

Intimacy is a state of non-separation. Intimacy is that sense or feeling that we get when we feel connected to our “other half”. Intimacy is the gold dust of happy couple relationships. But when it is missing, it feels like the custard is missing from our apple pie, or the cream from our trifle. Hence the importance of knowing how to rebuild intimacy with your partner.

I can help you to learn what to do to increase intimacy, and what not to do, in order to avoid destroying intimacy.

Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 12: Psychological First Aid:

Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 13: Stress Management Counselling:

Stress is not all in the mind. It is also in your body. It is in your personal history. To process stress, we need to be clear that a person who experienced Childhood Developmental Trauma is going to be less resilient in the face of stress, and a person who is Perfectionistic is going to subject themselves to unnecessary and unkind stress. The archetypal form of stress is poor time management. If you are ten miles from your office when you are due to be in a meeting at your office, that is a horrible form of stress. Another significant form of stress is Goal-sickness, or insisting that, because I set Goal X, and failed to achieve it, I cannot allow my fight or flight system of switch off. I cannot accept the disappointment!

Blue logo Dr Jim ByrneI can teach you a philosophy of life which will make stress a thing of the past for you!

Contact me today: Dr Jim’s email address

Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK)

Or call: 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK)


# 14: Trauma Therapy (for PTSD and Complex-PTSD [also known as Childhood Developmental Trauma]):

Trauma therapy is one of the most complex forms of psychotherapy.

It has to be a whole body-brain-mind approach,

because “the body keeps the score”;

and the mind is an expression of the personal history of the body!

Blue logo Dr Jim ByrneI have evolved a three-stage process for trauma recovery, including recovery from Childhood Developmental Trauma (or Complex PTSD).

This system of trauma recovery work is only available as a Level 4 service, currently taking 18-34 weeks to complete, and costing you just £2,500.00 for a single package. Please see My Enhanced Main Service web page.***


– About Dr Jim Byrne

– About my Enhanced Main Counselling Psychology Service

Counselling the whole person: heart, head, body and mind. (An introduction to Emotive-Cognitive Embodied Narrative Therapy [E-CENT], created by Dr Jim Byrne and Renata Taylor-Byrne).

– About my Couples Therapy service

– About my Anger Management service

– About my Trauma Recovery service

– Counselling in Hebden Bridge, face to face

– Counselling via Skype and web camera

– Counselling via the telephone system


Dr Jim ByrneContact me today, via email: Dr Jim’s Email Address

Dr Jim Byrne, Doctor of Counselling (University of Manchester, UK)

Fellow Member of the International Society for Psychotherapy and Counselling

ABC Counselling and Psychotherapy Services


♣ “Hey Jim, You’re a freakin genius, the way you guided me gently and kindly out of a place of mental confusion and lostness, into a place of taking responsibility for my life, and speaking up for myself, and beginning to process all the traumas that have blighted my life. I am so very grateful for everything you’ve done for me over the past three years of ‘moving into the light’! I was buried under a mountain of mental trash when I first consulted you. And all your reports and documents and homework activities have become woven into my creative life, as a bonus!”

E.P., Boston, US. (Nineteen sessions of counselling and therapy, over Skype, with formal and informal assessments, updating reports, and psycho-educational documents; over a period of about three years).


♣ “Hi Jim, Thanks for your reports and follow-up documents. Since I’ve been doing your journalling exercises, I’ve become more committed to taking action to change myself and my life, and have followed up some extra inputs. I now understand my personality much better, and the triggers that prompt me to make the wrong responses in relationships, and so I think I have enough to work on for the moment. Thank you for your very real help with all of this”.

V.C., Humberside. (One package of my Super-Enhanced Main Service).


♣ “Dear Jim, … Thank you for helping me to resolve the very distressing interpersonal conflict that I have had at boardroom level. The Gestalt chairwork process that you put me through was very effective in resolving all the conflict in my head. You helped me to get it out and make it real. … And thanks for the follow-up information pack and the second report. I have started reading them and will continue to study them until I am much more competent in this interpersonal area…”

L.N., Bradford, West Yorkshire. (One package of my Enhanced Main Service, plus two follow-up sessions of Almost Pure Talk Therapy).


For more unsolicited client testimonials, please go here:



ABC Counselliong and Psychotherapy, Hebden Bridge and WorldwideRegistered address: 27 Wood End, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8HJ, UK.

Email: Dr Jim’s Email address.

Telephone: +44 (0)1422 843 629

How to find us online: Click here > How to find us page.***



For more pages on this website, please see the Site Map.***

Or see this: – Enhanced Main Counselling Service, downloadable info pack, February 2024


For more information about me and my services, please check out the following links to pages on this site:

– About Dr Jim Byrne

– About my Enhanced Main Counselling Psychology Service

– About my Basic Mini Service

– About my Single Session Talk Therapy service. (No formal assessment; one counselling meeting).

I offer two levels of help for individuals with couple-relationship problems:

Anger management services

Counselling the whole person: heart, head, body and mind. (An introduction to Emotive-Cognitive Embodied Narrative Therapy [E-CENT], created by Dr Jim Byrne and Renata Taylor-Byrne).

– Counselling in Hebden Bridge, face to face

– Counselling via Skype and web camera

– Counselling via the telephone system

See also these pages:

Or take a look at our current books in print, at the ABC Bookstore.


To find out more, please go to:

…End of List.


The ABC Coaching and Counselling Division, West Yorkshire is one of the major divisions of ABC Coaching and Counselling Services (which has been in existence since 1998).  ABC Coaching and Counselling Division, West Yorkshire, was established in 2010. This is a specialist lifestyle and life history coaching and counselling service. This division is run by Renata Taylor-Byrne; a well-established professional coach/counsellor with a teaching and counselling background. Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK); and 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK). Or email Renata @ ABC Coaching and Counselling. 


ABC Counselliong and Psychotherapy, Hebden Bridge and WorldwideABC Counselling and Psychotherapy Services is the other major division of ABC Coaching and Counselling Services, 27 Wood End, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8HJ, UK. This division was established in 1998, and is run by Dr Jim Byrne, Doctor of Counselling (University of Manchester, UK: 2003-2009). Telephone: 01422 843 629 (from inside the UK); and 44 1422 843 629 (from outside the UK). Email Dr Jim @ ABC Counselling and Psychotherapy. 


ABC Bookstore for self-help booksABC Bookstore was the third division to be formed, in 2014.  Through this division we research and write books linked to personal development, self-therapy and self-help.

For self-help and self-therapy books, please go to



All the material on this website is copyright (c) Jim Byrne, 2024.
